
雅思口语天空(欣赏空中美景英文雅思口语新题8分答案:Part2 美丽天空)


Describe a beautiful sky you saw.

You should say:

Where it was

Who you were with

What you saw

And explain why it was beautiful


这道题是一个事件类的话题,是本季的新话题。今天要讨论的题卡是"看过的美丽天空"。这个题目在生活中不是很常见, 很多学生会没有思路。可以回忆一下电视里看到过的天空,或者那些拥有美丽天空的旅行景点,比如玻利维亚的天空之镜,比如西藏的纳木错,又比如北欧的极光,等等。

题目分解:第一题和第二题 "where it was","who you were with", 属于事件类话题"事件六要素"的基本背景信息, 无须浓墨重彩, 简单提一下即可。

第三题是"what you saw",即"你在天空中看到了什么?"。这个点是这道题的重点,也应该是篇幅最长的部分。云朵,飞鸟,蓝天,星光,或者别的什么,不一定要非常真实,可以添油加醋,尽量完善"画面感"。需要提醒的是, 要注意动词过去时态和情态动词的用法。

第四题是"why it was beautiful",即"个人感受"。也就是谈谈你的观后感,你当时的心情如何?如此美丽的天空是否之前看过?有没有看够?下回还想不想去?是否会推荐给别人?等等。


雅思口语新题8分答案:Part2 美丽天空mp.weixin.qq.com/s/pvKrMThDqFYM5enYfLNQdQ


Okay, Id like to talk about the sky that I watched while I was travelling in New Zealand several years ago.



I saw the sky at the Queenstown where theres a perfect spot for aurora observation. I went there with my best friend from high school in 2017. We started our journey in September, which was a perfect timing to appreciate the aurora.



The entire sky in Queenstown was so gorgeous, you know, the ribbon-like aurora together with the stars scattered around was literally like an artistic masterpiece. We actually not only saw the breathtaking aurora but also countless shining stars that gave us a clear picture of what the Milky Way Galaxy looked like. Oh, I should mention that the sky was in different tones of green and blue, like bottle green, emerald green, sapphire blue, and light blue, all the fancy and romantic colors you could possibly imagine. The color combination was super eye-catching!



I felt like that was the most impressive sky I have watched in my life. The reason why I thought it gave me such a deep impression was that the places where I grew up and studied at didnt allow me to see the natural beauties like this. Im not exaggerating, it was absolutely the most beautiful sky that I have ever seen in my life. I really hope I could spend more days there to fully enjoy the feast to the eyes it brought to me. I mean, it was quite an eye opener for me.



sth. is in different tones of...... 有不同色调的……

eye-catching adj. 吸睛的

eye opener 大开眼界之物

the feast to the eyes 视觉盛宴

ribbon-like adj. 缎带般的

scatter around…… 散落在……周围

artistic masterpiece 艺术作品

