Translation: Ascent Mount Blanc (Mark Twain)
(assembled by: alexcwlin; reviewed by: Adam Lam) [2008B19]前往勃朗峰的途中,我们先坐火车去了马蒂尼,
Next, we took the train and went to Martigny, on the way to Mont Blanc.
Next morning we started, about eight oclock, on foot.
We had plenty of company, in the way of wagon-loads and mule-loads of tourists—and dust.
This scattering procession of travelers was perhaps a mile long.
The road was uphill—interminable uphill—and tolerably steep.
The weather was blisteringly hot, and the man or woman who had to sit on a creeping mule, or in a crawling wagon, and broil in the beating sun, was an object to be pitied.
We could dodge among the bushes, and have the relief of shade, but those people could not.
They paid for a conveyance, and to get their moneys worth they rode.
We went by the way of the Tête Noir, and after we reached high ground there was no lack of fine scenery.
In one place the road was tunneled through a shoulder of the mountain; from there one looked down into a gorge with a rushing torrent in it, and on every hand was a charming view of rocky buttresses and wooded heights.
There was a liberal allowance of pretty waterfalls, too, on the Tête Noir route.
About half an hour before we reached the village of Argentière a vast dome of snow with the sun blazing on it drifted into view and framed itself in a strong V-shaped gateway of the mountains, and we recognized Mont Blanc, the "monarch of the Alps."
With every step, after that, this stately dome rose higher and higher into the blue sky, and at last seemed to occupy the zenith.
Some of Mont Blancs neighbors—bare, light-brown, steeplelike rocks—were very peculiarly shaped.
Some were whittled to a sharp point, and slightly bent at the upper end, like a ladys finger;
one monster sugar-loaf resembled a bishops hat; it was too steep to hold snow on its sides, but had some in the division.
While we were still on very high ground, and before the descent toward Argentière began, we looked up toward a neighboring mountain-top, and saw exquisite prismatic colors playing about some white clouds which were so delicate as to almost resemble gossamer webs.
The faint pinks and greens were peculiarly beautiful;
none of the colors were deep, they were the lightest shades.
They were bewitching commingled.
We sat down to study and enjoy this singular spectacle.
The tints remained during several minutes—flitting, changing, melting into each other; paling almost away for a moment, then reflushing—a shifting, restless, unstable succession of soft opaline gleams, shimmering over that air film of white cloud, and turning it into a fabric dainty enough to clothe an angel with.
By and by we perceived what those super-delicate colors, and their continuous play and movement, reminded us of; it is what one sees in a soap-bubble that is drifting along, catching changes of tint from the objects it passes.
A soap-bubble is the most beautiful thing, and the most exquisite, in nature;
that lovely phantom fabric in the sky was suggestive of a soap-bubble split open, and spread out in the sun.
I wonder how much it would take to buy a soap-bubble, if there was only one in the world? One could buy a hatful of Koh-i-Noors with the same money, no doubt.
We made the tramp from Martigny to Argentie`re in eight hours.
We beat all the mules and wagons; we didnt usually do that.
We hired a sort of open baggage-wagon for the trip down the valley to Chamonix, and then devoted an hour to dining.
This gave the driver time to get drunk.
He had a friend with him, and this friend also had had time to get drunk.
When we drove off, the driver said all the tourists had arrived and gone by while we were at dinner; "but," said he, impressively, "be not disturbed by that—remain tranquil—give yourselves no uneasiness—their dust rises far before us—rest you tranquil, leave all to me—I am the king of drivers. Behold!"
Down came his whip, and away we clattered.
I never had such a shaking up in my life.
The recent flooding rains had washed the road clear away in places, but we never stopped, we never slowed down for anything.
We tore right along, over rocks, rubbish, gullies, open fields—sometimes with one or two wheels on the ground, but generally with none.
Every now and then that calm, good-natured madman would bend a majestic look over his shoulder at us and say, "Ah, you perceive?
It is as I have said—I am the king of drivers."
Every time we just missed going to destruction, he would say, with tranquil happiness, "Enjoy it, gentlemen, it is very rare, it is very unusual—it is given to few to ride with the king of drivers—and observe, it is as I have said, I am he."
He spoke in French, and punctuated with hiccoughs.
His friend was French, too, but spoke in German—using the same system of punctuation, however.
The friend called himself the "Captain of Mont Blanc," and wanted us to make the ascent with him.
He said he had made more ascents than any other man—forty seven—and his brother had made thirty-seven.
His brother was the best guide in the world, except himself—but he, yes, observe him well—he was the "Captain of Mont Blanc"—that title belonged to none other.
The "king" was as good as his word—he overtook that long procession of tourists and went by it like a hurricane.
The result was that we got choicer rooms at the hotel in Chamonix than we should have done if his majesty had been a slower artist—or rather, if he hadnt most providentially got drunk before he left Argentie`re.
----------------------------------------------------------注: 英文部分是原著来的
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