
清明节传统英语(欣赏空中美景英文英文话清明--Traditions of Qingming Festival 清明节的传统)

英文话清明--Traditions of Qingming Festival 清明节的传统

Hello everyone, Welcome to WendyEnglishTimes, 欢迎来到Wendy的英语时光,英文话清明,今天我们来聊聊清明节的传统Traditions of Qingming Festival。


Qingming Festival (also known as Tomb-sweeping Day), which falls on either April 4th or 5th of the gregorian calendar, is one of the Chinese Twenty-four Solar Terms. From that date temperatures begin to rise and rainfall increases, indicating that it is the crucial time for plowing and sowing in the spring. The festival therefore has a close relationship with agriculture. However, it is not only a seasonal symbol; it is also a day of paying respect to the dead, a spring outing, and other activities.


The Origin of Qingming Festival


It is said that the Qingming Festival was originally held to commemorate a loyal man named Jie Zitui. Jie cut a piece of meat from his own leg in order to save his hungry lord who was forced to go into exile when the crown was in jeopardy. The lord came back to his position nineteen years later, and forgot Jie Zitui but later felt ashamed and decided to reward him. However, Jie had blocked himself up in a mountain with his mother. In order to find Jie, the lord ordered that the mountain should be set on fire. Later Jie was found dead with his mother. In order to commemorate Jie, the lord ordered that the day Jie died was Hanshi (Cold Food) Festival - the day that only cold food could be eaten.


The second year, when the lord went to the mountain to sacrifice to Jie, he found willows revived, so he gave instructions that the day after Hanshi Festival was to be Qingming Festival. Later, the two festivals were combined as one.


Traditional Customs


Qingming Festival is a time of many different activities, among which the main ones are tomb sweeping, taking a spring outing, and flying kites. Some other lost customs like wearing willow branches on the head and riding on swings have added infinite joy in past days. It is a combination of sadness and happiness.


Tomb Sweeping


Tomb sweeping is regarded as the most important custom in the Qingming Festival from which the name of Tomb-sweeping day is got. Cleaning the tomb and paying respect to the dead person with offerings are the two important parts of remembering the past relatives. Weeds around the tomb are cleared away and fresh soil is added to show care of the dead. The dead persons favourite food and wine are taken to sacrifice to them, along with paper resembling money. This is all burned in the hope that the deceased are not lacking food and money.


Today, with cremation taking over from burying, the custom has been extremely simplified in cities. Only flowers are presented to the dead relatives and revolutionary martyrs. No matter how respect is shown, good prayers for the deceased are expressed.今天,随着火葬取代土葬,城市里的习俗已经大大简化了。只有鲜花献给死去的亲人和革命烈士。无论哪种形式表达敬意,都是对逝者的祈祷。

Spring Outing


Not only is it a day for commemorating the dead, is it also a time for people to enjoy themselves. During March, everything in nature takes on a new look, as trees turn green, flowers blossom, and the sun shines brightly. It is a fine time to go out and to appreciate the beautiful scenes of nature. This custom can be traced back to the Tang Dynasty (618 - 907) and followed by each dynasty later till today. So visitors can be seen everywhere during the month of the festival. Spring outings not only add joy to life but also promote a healthy body and mind.

它不仅是一个纪念死者的日子,也是一个人们享受快乐的时光。在三月,自然界的一切都呈现出新的面貌,树木变绿,鲜花盛开,阳光灿烂。这是一个外出欣赏大自然美景的好时节。这一习俗可以追溯到唐代(618 - 907),并一直延续至今。所以在节日期间到处都能看到游客。春游不仅给生活增添了乐趣,还能促进身心健康。

Flying Kites


Flying kites is an activity favored by many people during the Qingming Festival. Kites are not only flown during the day time but also in the evening. Little lanterns are tied to the kite or to the string that holds the kite. And when the kite is flying in the sky, the lanterns look like twinkling stars that add unique scenery to the sky during the night. What makes flying kites during this day special is that people cut the string while the kite is in the sky to let it fly free. It is said this brings good luck and that diseases can be eliminated by doing this.


All in all, the Qingming Festival is an occasion of unique characteristics, integrating sorrowful tears to the dead with the continuous laughter from the spring outing.


好,以上就是本期的全部内容了,希望本期内容能够对你有所帮助。Thank you very much for your listening and Ill see you next time. Bye!

