
英语绘本故事创编小报(欣赏空中美景英文英语绘本故事|Eiffel Tower)



What makes the Eiffel Tower an appealing landmark to visit?


A Dream Come True

Over 125 years ago, four men had a wild idea. They wanted to build the tallest structure in the world-one that would measure 300 meters(984 ft)in height. They planned to build it out of more than 18,000 pieces of metal and use 2.5 million metal pins, called rivets, to hold the pieces together. The four men claimed that their structure would be both attractive and strong enough to stay standingin high winds. Many people thought their dream was impossible, and others said that the structure would look ridiculous.That structure was neither impossible nor ridiculous. Today, its one of the best-known and most-loved landmarks in the world. Its the Eiffel tower.



Standing Tall

When the Eiffel Tower was finished in 1889. it was the tallest structure ever built . That record stood until 1930 , when New Yorks Chrysler  Building surpassed it . Since then , a handful of other buildings have claimed that honor. Even so , the Eiffel Tower is quite remarkable . Four gigantic support beams , which make up the legs , gently curve toward each other to form a single tower at the top . The metal is wrought  iron , which is very strong yet easy to shape. Workers paint the Eiffel Tower every seven years . The towers color has changed from dark red to dark yellow  to brown and most recently to bronze.

Towering Above Paris

The Eiffel Tower is in Paris , the capital of France . It was built for the 1889 Worlds Fair , which marked the hundredth anniversary of the French  Revolution . The tower is on the south bank of  Seine ( SEN ) River at one end of a large park called  the Champ de Mars  ( sham duh MARS ) . People come from around the world to enjoy the huge landmark as well as many nearby attractions. Art and culture surround the Eiffel Tower. Ihat part of Paris has museums , gardens , fountains ,ponds , palaces , monuments , and cultural centers .Upscale hotels , restaurants , and stores are also found in the area . Old and new blend together , and the Eiffel Tower rises above it all.




埃菲尔铁塔在法国首都巴黎。它是为纪念法国大革命一百周年的1889年世界博览会而建的。该塔位于塞纳河南岸,位于一个名为Champ de Mars(sham duh Mars)的大型公园的一端。人们从世界各地来欣赏这座巨大的地标以及附近的许多景点。艺术和文化环绕着埃菲尔铁塔。巴黎的一部分有博物馆、花园、喷泉、池塘、宫殿、纪念碑和文化中心。该地区还设有高档酒店、餐馆和商店。新旧交融,埃菲尔铁塔拔地而起。

A Bold Dream

The Eiffel Tower was named for Gustave Eiffel( EH-FEL in French ) , a French civil engineer who had worked on the Statueof Liberty . However , the original drawings for the tower were the work of Maurice Koechlin ( mor-EES kay-klahn ) and  Emile Nouguier ( Ay-meel Noo-gee-ay ) , the chief  engineers for Eiffels company . They entered the towers design in a contest for a decorative structure for the 1889 Worlds Fair . They designed a very tall tower made of four slightly curved iron beams constructed of crossed metal strips called latticework . 

Horizontal metal beams would join the four main beams along the four sides of the structure . Eiffels company already knew how to build tall bridges . However , building a structure 300 meters ( 984 ft ) tall would be a daring achievement . They brought in a French architect named Stephen Sauvestre(stay-FAHN-soh-ves-truh) to make sure the tower would be attractive as well as structurally solid.

Their design was chosen over 106 other projects , and construction soon began . Ground was broken on January 26 , 1887 , and the huge structure was completed just over two years later ,on March 31 , 1889. The tower is made up of 18,038 pieces of wrought iron weighing 7,300 metric tons ( 8,046 tn ).Eiffel used latticework wrought iron because he wanted to prove that metal , which weighs less than stone , could be just as strong . Sections of the tower were assembled with bolts by over one hundred workers at Eiffels factory . Then the sections , which measured about 5 meters ( 16 ft ).in length , were taken to the construction site.


埃菲尔铁塔是以古斯塔夫·埃菲尔(法语:Gustave Eiffel,EH-FEL)的名字命名的,他是一位曾为自由女神像工作的法国土木工程师。然而,这座塔的原始图纸是埃菲尔铁塔公司的首席工程师Maurice Koechlin(mor EES kay klahn)和Emile Nouguier(Ay meel Noo gee-Ay)的作品。他们在1889年世界博览会的装饰结构竞赛中参与了这座塔的设计。他们设计了一座非常高的塔,由四根略微弯曲的铁梁组成,这些铁梁由交叉的金属条制成,称为格子。

水平金属梁将沿着结构的四边连接四根主梁。艾菲尔的公司已经知道如何建造高桥。然而,建造一座300米(984英尺)高的建筑将是一项大胆的成就。他们请来了一位名叫Stephen Sauvestre(stay FAHN soh ves truh)的法国建筑师,以确保这座塔既有吸引力,又结构坚固。


At the site , workers replaced the bolts with special rivets that were heated up before being installed . The rivets shrank after cooling , which made for a very tight fit . A total of 2.5 million rivets were used , each one installed by a team of four workers . Up to three hundred men worked at the site while the tower was being constructed .The foundation , or base on which the tower sits is made of stone and cement , and rests on a layer of gravel . It was set at an exact angle to make sure it would stay in place in case of strong winds. Workers took special care to make each level flat before building on top of it . They used temporary wooden platforms called scaffolds and small steam cranes to assemble the tower. For the technology of the time , the methods and speed of construction made the Eiffel Tower an amazing example of engineering.

On hot days , the part of the Eiffel Tower in sunlight expands more than the shaded part . As a result , the tower leans up to 18 centimeters ( 7 in)

A single elevator in the Eiffel Tower travels about 103.000 kilometers( 64,000 mi . ) each year . That distanceis equal to two and a half trips around the equator.


Gustave Eiffel and his team were convinced that their design would work , but not everyone agreed . Some people thought that a tower that tall would not handle the wind well . One math professor said that strong winds would cause even a shorter tower to collapse. Other people had a different concern . After construction began , a group of three hundred artists , writers , and architects tried to have the project stopped .

 They thought the tower would look ridiculous and would harm the Paris skyline in the same way that a huge black smokestack would . Fortunately , the people in charge of the Worlds Fair didnt pay attention to the objections . The tower was finished just over a month before the event began.





Gustave Eiffel和他的团队确信他们的设计会奏效,但并不是所有人都同意。有些人认为这么高的塔不能很好地抵御风。一位数学教授说,强风甚至会导致更短的塔倒塌。其他人则有不同的担忧。施工开始后,300名艺术家、作家和建筑师试图停止该项目。


People were amazed and delighted when they visited the tower at the  Worlds Fair and afterward.   Since the tower was built for a special event , it was  supposed to be torn down after twenty years , but Eiffel wanted to make sure that didnt happen . He made the tower valuable to scientists so it would continue to have a purpose . The day after the tower was first open to the public , Eiffel installed a weather laboratory with barometers , wind gauges , and other instruments . He invited scientists to use the lab , and he also used it for his own experiments. The tower began to be used for radio signals in 1909 and for early experiments in televisionin 1925 . The Eiffel Tower now has 120 radio and television antennas.

Touring the Tower

Each floor of the Eiffel Tower has its own attractions . The first floor-57 meters ( 187 ft )above the ground-has a glass floor that makes it seem as though visitors are walking on air .That floor also has interactive displays about the tower and shows with views of the city projected onto three walls . In addition , it has restaurants and shops as well as a piece of the original spiral staircase to Eiffels office . Since 2004 the first floor has also featured an ice-skating rink every winter .The second floor-115 meters ( 377 ft ) high -as souvenir shops , restaurants , and " story windows " that describe the towers construction. A glass window offers a plunging view down to ground level.




Visitors can enjoy great views of the Eiffel Tower from many different angles by riding in a glass elevator . At the top276 meters ( 906 ft )above the ground-is a stunning view of Paris .Two levels , one covered and the other uncovered allow people to enjoy the view day or night in any weather . Gustave Eiffels restored office is also on the top floor , as well as panoramic maps with directions and distances to other big cities . All three floors of the tower offer many opportunities for outstanding photos .

A Gift to the World

If Gustave Eiffel and his team were alive today , they would no doubt be pleased that their engineering wonder has brought so much joy to people around the world . Almost seven million people visit the Eiffel Tower each year . Its been an important part of the plot in dozens of novels and movies , and it has inspired over thirty replicas . The tower is also the site of dazzling light and fireworks shows , including an amazing one to celebrate the beginning of the year 2000 .If youre lucky enough to travel to Paris , you cant possibly miss seeing this famous landmark .which is visible from nearly every part of the city . It continues to soar over Paris , just as Mr .Eiffel intended.

游客可以乘坐玻璃电梯从不同角度欣赏埃菲尔铁塔的美景。在离地276米(906英尺)的顶部,可以看到巴黎的壮丽景色。两层楼,一层有盖,另一层无盖,让人们在任何天气下都可以日夜欣赏。Gustave Eiffel修复后的办公室也在顶层,还有通往其他大城市的方向和距离的全景地图。塔的所有三层都提供了许多拍摄优秀照片的机会。




Imagine being one of the three hundred protesters trying to stop the construction of the Eiffel Tower . Write a persuasive essay to the committee of the Worlds Fair explaining why this structure should not be built.

Social Studies

Choose another famous world landmark. Create a Venn diagram comparing and contrasting this landmark with the Eiffel Tower.




