


·Group 1·

1. aboard prep. 在(船、飞机、火车、汽车等)上

2. accommodationn. 住宿, 膳宿

3. amazing adj. 惊人的

4. attractvt. 吸引, 引起

5. behavev. 守规矩, 行为

behaviourn. 行为, 举止

6. board n. 木板;委员会

vt. 上船(火车、飞机等)

7. conductvt. 引导, 带领

8. crewn. 全体船员

9. crossing n. 十字路口, 人行横道

crossroadsn. 十字路口

10. crowdn. 人群

vt. 拥挤, 涌上(心头)

crowdedadj. 拥挤的

·Group 2·

1. customsn. 海关

2. departuren. 离开, 启程

3. dependvi. 依靠, 指望;取决于

4. destinationn. 目的地, 终点

5. directionn. 方向;方位

6. disadvantagen. 不利条件;弱点

7. distancen. 距离

distantadj. 远的, 遥远的

8. enjoyvt. 欣赏;享受乐趣;喜欢

enjoyableadj. 愉快的;有趣的

9. equipvt. 装备;配备

equipmentn. 装备, 设备

10. guidancen. 引导, 指导

guiden. 向导, 导游

·Group 3·

1. impressvt. 留下深刻的印象

impressionn. 印象, 感觉

2. journeyn. 旅行, 路程

3. litterv. 乱扔

4. luggagen. (总称)行李

5. outingn. 郊游, 远足

6. packv. 包装;收拾(行李)

7. passengern. 乘客

8. queuen. 行列, 长队

9. receptionn. 接待

10. satisfactionn. 满意

satisfyvt. 满足, 使满意

·Group 4·

1. scenen. (戏剧、电影等的)一场, 场景, 布景

sceneryn. 风景, 景色, 风光

2. schedulen. 时间表, 进度表

v. 安排, 预定

3. secureadj. 安心的, 有把握的

securityn. 安全, 平安

4. sightn. 情景, 风景;视力

sightseeingn. 游览, 观光

5. signn. 符号, 标记

6. smoothadj. 光滑的;平坦的

7. souvenirn. 旅游纪念品, 纪念物

8. speedn. 速度

v. (使)加速

9. steepadj. 险峻的;陡峭的

10. stewardn. (火车、飞机、轮船等)男服务员;男乘务员

stewardessn. 女乘务员, 空中小姐

·Group 5·

1. terminaln. (火车、汽车、飞机)终点站

2. tourn. 参观, 观光, 旅行

tourismn. 旅游业;观光

touristn. 旅行者, 观光者

3. trafficn. 交通, 来往车辆

traffic lightsn. 交通指挥灯, 红绿灯

4. transportn. &vt. 运输

5. traveln. &vi. 旅行

travelern. 旅行者

6. tripn. 旅行, 旅程

7. vehiclen. 交通工具, 车辆

8. viewn. 看法, 见解;风景, 景色

9. visan. 签证

10. voyagen. 航行, 旅行


·Group 1·

1. a summer resort 一个避暑胜地

2. a place of interest名胜

3. be struck by. . . 被……迷住

4. beyond description难以表达

5. break the speed limit违反速度限制

6. go camping去露营

7. go picnic去野餐

8. get close to nature接近大自然

9. have a good trip旅行顺利

10. hold up耽搁

·Group 2·

1. leave for动身去某地

2. have a good view of一览无余

3. make a journey旅行

4. on holiday(在)度假

5. set off/out出发

6. tourist attraction旅游景点

7. traffic jam交通堵塞

8. take a picture拍照

9. see off送行

10. take a vacation度假


1. Research shows that giving up driving is one of the key reasons for a fall in health and well-being among older people.


2. When summer vacation for us students comes every year, we can do all that we can’t do during our school time, going shopping with friends, swimming in warm water and even hiking and camping in the deep valleys, all of which, I think, lead me to full freedom.

当我们学生的暑假每年来临的时候, 我们可以做上学时不能做的事情, 和朋友去购物, 在温暖的水中游泳, 甚至徒步旅行以及去深谷中野营, 我认为所有这些都可以使我得到完全的自由。

3. With the development of China’s economy, more people can afford to travel abroad.

随着中国经济的发展, 更多的人有足够的钱去境外旅游。

4. During your stay here, you will be offered accommodation, which is free of charge, and I will show you around some places of interest.

在你待在这里的期间, 你将被提供免费住宿, 我会带你去逛一些名胜古迹。

5. We will try some famous local snacks and experience the local history and culture as well as their customs.

我们将去吃一些地方特色小吃, 体验当地历史文化, 还有他们的风俗习惯。

6. The traffic issue is a hard nut to crack. It not only affects our everyday life, but may also threaten people’s lives.

交通问题是一个棘手的问题。它不仅影响着我们的日常生活, 而且还可能威胁到人们的生命。

7. In spite of the large-scale construction of roads and highways, there is still much room for improvement, because of the ever-increasing number of cars these years.

由于近年来汽车数量日益增长, 尽管我们大规模地建设道路和公路, 但是还有很大的提升空间。

8. After that, I will pay a visit to some tourist attractions to broaden my horizons.

之后, 我会参观一些旅游景点, 开阔我的视野。

9. We can find us in an exciting world every day, with the sun shining brightly, trees growing better and flowers coming out with all kinds of colors.

我们会发现自己每天处于一个令人兴奋的世界, 太阳明媚地照耀着, 树木长得郁郁葱葱, 各种颜色的花竞相开放。

10. This morning I was walking on the street when I saw that two travelers were reading a map, looking puzzled.

今天早晨我正在大街上走, 就在这时我看见两个游客正在困惑地看着地图。

11. Standing on the top of the mountain, the temple has witnessed many changes in this area.


12. As is known to us all, Mount Hua is famous for its breathtaking cliffs and its unique characteristics.

正如我们大家所知道的, 华山以它惊人的悬崖和它独一无二的特征而出名。

13. On our arrival, we were warmly welcomed by the local people.

我们一到达, 就受到了当地人的热烈欢迎。

14. We set off early in the morning and it took us more than two hours to get there.

我们一大早就出发了, 花了两个多小时才到达那里。

15. Our hometown has taken on a new look in the past few years.


16. With the help of modern science and technology, travelling becomes easier.

在现代科技的帮助下, 旅行变得更容易了。

17. No matter how careful they are, tourists’ activities will still affect the local environment.

无论游客们多么小心, 他们的行为仍然会影响当地的环境。

18. There are many cultural sites in Beijing, among which the most attractive one is the Forbidden City.

北京有很多文化遗迹, 最有吸引力的是紫禁城。

19. Located on Yangtze River, this beautiful old city has become a popular tourist attraction now.

坐落在长江之畔, 这座美丽的古城现在成了一个受欢迎的旅游胜地。

20. Public transport provides a cheap way to get around in Beijing.



假定你是李华, 暑假期间有个美国旅游团来到北京旅游, 请你以导游的身份根据提示信息写一篇短文简要介绍一下北京。


1. 北京是中国的首都及政治、经济和文化中心;

2. 北京历史悠久, 景点众多, 长城、天坛、紫禁城久负盛名;

3. 北京美食也很多, 北京烤鸭和北京小吃非常出名。


1. 词数80左右;

2. 参考词汇:天坛the Temple of Heaven;紫禁城the Forbidden City;北京烤鸭Peking ducks;北京小吃Beijing snacks






Ladies and Gentlemen,

Welcome to Beijing! My name is Li Hua, and I feel honored to be your guide for the tour. Now, I’d like to tell you something about Beijing.

Beijing, also known as Peking, is the capital of China and the centre for politics, economy and culture. It enjoys a long and rich history. There are numerous heritage sites and wonderful examples of ancient architecture, such as the world-famous Great Wall, the Temple of Heaven and the Forbidden City. Besides sightseeing places, there are many delicious food such as Peking ducks and Beijing snacks. There is no doubt that Beijing is really a good place to travel around.

I hope you all have a pleasant time here.

